nearly 4 years ago... in 2008. a collab phenomenon was born. Collabs made entirely out of sprites with parts made under a days work, and always a new video game topic each day was the go.
back then I was shitting bricks about how successful this idea was and yet I wasn't able to animate with sprites back then.
The abolishment of daily awards were stolen by well deserved animators and yet the automate scoring system formulating top 5 ranks couldn't change the tides on these simple redundant collabs each day to earn great views, greats scores, cheesy troll reviews and daily awards being given to underrated noobs of Newgrounds who joined the collabs each day.
And yes, Sprite A Day Series 1 died, the former leaders disappeared into oblivion away from NG and sprites were no longer a popular trend anymore... Then came Series 2 which was bombed down on scores and only a few flashes were made and the numbers dropped on co-authors later on. and Sprite A Day was incinerated to pieces as the worst trophy stealing collab series yet the longest collab series.. ever made.
but wait.. there were a few more popular games that weren't brought into the spotlight.. and so dante224 (pants the terrible) somewhat surprised everyone by bringing back Sprite A Day and a new batch of NG rookies and newcomers.
And yes, here's a twist of fate, I thought I'd never be a part of this collab again since the forefathers of SAD informed me it was to be never be brought back. Sprite A Day inspired me to create my Game Under! series which was all about quality at a good to a fantastic standard
GAME UNDER! VOLUME.. nahh... I was suppose to move from dedicating my time to create awesome sprite shorts that took more than day or two to do..
if anyone else is interested in making shitty sprite shorts and guarantee and co-author place and a potential to snag a few 4th and 5th daily awards along the way of this series. let's mix the quality of greatness and badness together and shine once again!.
here's the details ripped form dante224..
"all submissions will be 350x200, 24fps, and i will personally make the background whatever color you might require if you are too lazy. also, name your symbols please. nobody likes an unusable library."
lets have some fun with this guys and girls :)
be sure to PM dante224 if you want to join this series! :D
cheers mateys :P
you'll regret the day you crossed Jacob Loper